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ACCU Market Booming as Safeguard Reforms Drive Demand

Jun 17, 2024

2 min read



Energy Audits Reveal Increased Need for ACCUs:

Imagine a market where companies can reduce their carbon footprint by buying certificates representing carbon offsets. These certificates are called Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCUs). Previously, companies might have purchased ACCUs voluntarily to be more environmentally friendly. Now, under the reformed Safeguard Mechanism, some large facilities are required to hold ACCUs to comply with stricter emission regulations revealed by mandatory energy audits. This is driving a surge in ACCU demand.


Compliance Takes Center Stage in ACCU Market:

The latest Quarterly Carbon Market Report (QCMR) released by the Clean Energy Regulator (CER) sheds light on a significant shift in Australia's carbon credit market. The report reveals a clear trend: compliance is the primary driver of ACCU cancellation. In the first quarter of 2024, one million out of 1.2 million ACCUs were used for compliance purposes. This is a significant change from a primarily voluntary market. Companies, anticipating stricter regulations identified through energy audits, are accumulating ACCUs (currently at 19.6 million) to meet future obligations.

Positive Impacts: Environmental Benefits and Business Opportunities:

The increased demand for ACCUs has a two-pronged positive impact. Firstly, it incentivizes projects that reduce carbon emissions, like renewable energy and forestry, contributing to environmental benefits. Secondly, the growing ACCU market creates opportunities for companies involved in carbon offset projects and emissions trading, fostering business opportunities.